Kerala Forest Department
Kerala Forest Department is one of the oldest and most important administrative organs of the State with its Headquarters at Thiruvananthapuram. It deals with Biodiversity Conservation, Forest Protection, Wildlife Management, and Research, Forest Development, Social Forestry, Forest Vigilance, and Evaluation, Eco-development and Tribal Welfare, Planning and Research, Tribal Rehabilitation and Special Afforestation and Human Resource Development and General Administration including Recruitment.

Be a Green Warrior
Join the Green Revolution

Preserving Nature's Heritage
Kerala's Protected Areas

A Tapestry of Life
Special Habitats

Green Calendar
Ecofriendly Reminders
Our Wings

Protecting the diversity of life on earth is our top priority. We work tirelessly to conserve the natural habitats of various species and promote sustainable practices that help preserve the environment.

Our forests are the lungs of the earth, and we are committed to protecting them from deforestation, illegal logging, and other threats. We work with local communities, governments, and NGOs to ensure that our forests remain healthy and vibrant.

We conduct cutting-edge research on wildlife populations and their habitats to better understand the complex relationships between species and their environment. Our goal is to develop effective management strategies that balance the needs of wildlife with those of humans.

We believe that forests and natural resources are a vital resource that can be sustainably managed to provide a wide range of benefits to society. Our programs focus on creating economic opportunities for local communities while preserving the natural environment.

Our social forestry programs aim to create economic opportunities for rural communities while preserving the natural resources they depend on. Social Forestry offers an alternative form of forest management that balances the needs of local people with multiple external interests. It promotes sustainable forest use and management among communities who live near and in close proximity to forests.

The broad intent of Vigilance Wing in KFD include enquiring into illegal removal of forest produce, monitoring and evaluation of departmental works and projects, evaluation of regeneration areas, corrupt practices by the forest officials etc. It also combats corruption and misconduct in the Forest Department effectively, and to detect and prevent forest offenses.

We work with tribal communities to promote sustainable development practices that benefit both people and the environment. Our eco-development and tribal welfare programs aim to create economic opportunities for tribal communities while preserving their unique cultural heritage.

We conduct research on forest ecosystems and their management to better understand the complex relationships between forests, people, and the environment. Our planning and research programs aim to develop effective management strategies that balance the needs of people and the environment.

We believe that investing in people is the key to sustainable development. Our human resource development programs aim to provide training and education to local communities, government officials, and other stakeholders to promote sustainable forest management practices.

We are committed to ensuring that our forests are managed transparently and efficiently. Our general administration programs aim to promote good governance, accountability, and transparency in forest management