Kerala Forest Department

Right to Information

Government of Kerala RTI Portal:


Guidelines to use RTI Portal

  1. This Web Portal can be used by Indian citizens to file RTI application online and also to make payment for RTI application online.
  2. An applicant who desires to obtain any information under the RTI Act can make a request through this Web Portal to the Departments of Government of Kerala.
  3. After signing up, on clicking at “New RTI”, the applicant has to fill the required details on the page that will appear.The fields marked * are mandatory while the others are optional.
  4. The text of the application may be written at the prescribed column.
  5. At present, the text of an application that can be uploaded at the prescribed column is confined to 3000 characters only.Only alphabets A-Z a-z number 0-9 and special characters , . – _ ( ) / @ : & ? \ % are allowed in Text for RTI Request application.
  6. In case an application contains more than 3000 characters, it can be uploaded as an attachment, by using “”Scan and Upload”” option. Do not upload Aadhar Card or PAN Card or any other personal Identification (Except BPL Card). PDF file name should not have any blank spaces.
  7. After filling the first page, the applicant has to go through the Payment part to make payment of the prescribed fee.
  8. The applicant can pay the prescribed RTI fee through eTreasury payment gateway and its associated banks.
  9. Fee for making an application is as prescribed in the RTI Rules, 2012.
  10. After making payment, an application can be submitted.
  11. Please do not make additional attempt to make payment again.
  12. On submission of an application, a unique registration number would be issued, which may be referred by the applicant for any references in future.
  13. The application filed through this Web Portal would reach electronically to the “Nodal Officer” of concerned Department, who would transmit the RTI application electronically to the concerned CPIO.
  14. The registration number of original application has to be used for reference.
  15. Status of the RTI application filed online can be seen by the applicant by clicking at “Application Status”.
  16. All the requirements for filing an RTI application as well as other provisions regarding time limit, exemptions etc., as provided in the RTI Act, 2005 will continue to apply.


വിവരാവകാശ നിയമം 2005  പ്രകാരം കേരളം വനംവകുപ്പിൽ നിന്നും പൊതുജനങ്ങൾക്ക് ആവശ്യമായ ഔദ്യോഗിക വിഷയങ്ങൾ യഥാസമയം ലഭ്യമാക്കുന്നതിന് ബന്ധപ്പെടേണ്ട സ്റ്റേറ്റ് പബ്ലിക് ഇൻഫർമേഷൻ ഓഫീസർമാരുടെയും അസിസ്റ്റന്റ്  സ്റ്റേറ്റ് പബ്ലിക് ഇൻഫർമേഷൻ ഓഫീസർമാരുടെയും അപ്പീൽ അധികാരികളുടെയും വിവരങ്ങൾ പുനർ സ്ഥാനനിർണ്ണയം ചെയ്ത് ചുവടെ ചേർക്കുന്നു
Amendment Order of PCCF & HoFF – Appointment of SPIOs/Appellate Authority – Order No: E5-6525/2019 Dated: 31.12.2019
The Right to Information Act 2005 – Act (English)
State Public Information Officer & Appellate Authority in the O/o EFL Custodian
The decision of the Bombay High Court in Writ Petition No. 419 of 2007 regarding information under the Right to Information Act
RTI application received by a Public Authority relating to information concerning other Public Authority/Authorities


File your RTI Applications online

Mandatory disclosure – Obligatory Items under section 4(1)(b) of RTI Act 2005

List of SPIOs and ASPIOs in Kerala Forest Department






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